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The Horse's Advocate Podcast

Nov 10, 2021

This podcast is the second part of a discussion I started in episode #030. I continue that discussion of relating the brain of the horse with the human brain as the recent discovery of 4 distinct centers of the mammalian brain described by Dr. Jill Bolte-Taylor in her book, "Whole Brain Living."

In the past, I had described these centers based on Hippocrates (about 400 BC) as Choleric, Melancholy, Sanguine and Phlegmatic. I have described these four primary personalities in my book, "The Ten Irrefutable Laws Of Horsemanship." I now associate these personalities with the four sections of the brain in anatomical locations: Left Brain Thinking (Character one), Left Brain Limbic or Emotional (Character two), Right Brain Limbic or Emotional (Character three) and Right Brain Thinking (Character four).

I hypothesize that humans today live within the left side of the brain, which is analytical and temporal (past and future, identity, judgmental), with poor or no connection to the right brain (connected to the present and the universe). On the other hand, the horse has access to all four brain sections. In other words, horses live in the moment while humans spend their time in the future with agenda-driven ideas and requests. Worse, humans ignore the present moment the horse is actively in, causing the horse to feel ignored. How would you feel if somebody ignored you, for example, while served at a restaurant?

I include a simple way to expand into the present moment and become honest, three-dimensional communicators with all horses, humans and everything in our lives. This mental practice is NOT hocus-pocus. It is how the brain's anatomy works, and I have used this approach daily for the past decade. It allows me to connect with horses in 30 seconds, not 30 minutes or 30 days and hand float thousands of horses while medicating only 3 in every 100 I see (3%). If you understand this natural connection, you will also be able to connect with the horses in your life more meaningfully. 

But it is YOU that has to change, not your horse. It's easy once you get the hang of it; it's addicting too.

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