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The Horse's Advocate Podcast

Jul 7, 2021

Whether soybean meal is OK to feed horses is often asked on the FB group (The Horse's Advocate) and by my dentistry clients. If all seeds cause gut inflammation (lectins, starch) in horses and the core belief of this group is to go back to feeding horses the way they ate for millions of years, how then is providing soybean meal (SBM) a good choice for horses? 

This podcast discusses how and why the horse's body loses the essential amino acids daily and the reasons for supplementing using SBM. It also outlines what shows on the horse when chronically deficient in high-quality protein (the protein that supplies all ten essential amino acids). More critical is discussing how SBM has a long safety history and why this is so.

********** is a website to learn about horses, horse barns and farms. There is a membership side of the website where horse owners can attend live meetings to ask questions and get a deeper understanding of things they have learned on the site. Membership helps support this message, helping to spread it to everyone worldwide working with horses. is a website that discusses how and why I perform equine dentistry without immobilization or the automatic use of drugs. I only accept new clients in Florida. Make an appointment in FL. is a website for those interested in learning how to perform equine dentistry without drugs on 97% of horses. There are eight spots a year for interested students PLUS, there is a separate online course for those wanting to learn how to do this but can never get to South Florida for hands-on training.

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